Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Change is here

Hello my very small readership.

It's been a month since I've blogged. When I last blogged I ranted about how 2012 was going to be full of change & all the changes in store for me. What I didn't know was that another big change was going to befall me.

I suppose I could called it a "promotion" - I am now working 4 nights (12 hour shifts) in a taxi firm as the dispatcher for double money (rather than what I was doing originally: 6 days on the phones working 8 hour shifts)

So yes... Change is here. All within one month as well. I do wonder what the next 11 months hold in store for little ol' me. Well I was planning on either becoming a Counsellor or a Film Critic, which I still hope to do in the future - well I suppose more of a film critic at the moment really! But that's something I need to work on. In this day and age, living with my Girlfriend at my Dad's house, I need money.

Which is something this "promotion" can give me: more money and more time off work. But it is proving difficult I must say! My sleeping pattern has changed from Midnight - 7am to 7am - 2/3pm. If I'm working then I can handle sleeping my 8 hours no problem. But the weekends I have off is where I'm struggling most. Last weekend I'd try going to bed at 3am (due to fear of missing out on my weekends if I sleep all day) but wouldn't fall asleep til 5/6am. It wasn't good!

Then of course there's my social life. I hope that when I get used to this new routine that I'll be able to meet up with some friends for coffee in the weekday afternoons (when they're not working) & hopefully see them at the weekends. That plan should be fine.

But I'm a Twitter addict - I don't tweet a HUGE amount but I love to be able to keep contact with my friends easily throughout the day. Seeing as I'm sleeping throughout the day... This has proven difficult. When I get to work at 6pm, I'm usually reasonably busy until midnight which would be when my friends start disappearing off to bed & I feel like I've missed out in some way.

Especially now with the Church disbanding & the Youth group with it... I find my social life has died down quite a bit.

All of this, of course, is causing my emotions to be bouncing around the place. I'm scared of losing the friends I've re-established myself with over the past 2 years. I'm scared of growing up in some ways because I'm having to make adult decisions & start to plan big steps... For example... Maybe moving out some point this year. Naturally I'll keep trying to plan things with the friends... E.g. Cinema trips, meals, coffee meetings etc.

The plus side of sitting around in the early hours of the mornings when everyone is in bed... It's given me the chance to do things I should've done years ago & kept doing since...
I've gotten in contact with people I've upset... or lost touch with... Apologised & trying to build up the relationships again. That gives me something to smile about (other than the extra money).

I will try & blog more this year. So far it's been me ranting about my new job. No doubt soon I'll find something else to moan about.

Take care everyone